Sunday, November 1, 2009

On elections

You don’t have to vote

Tuesday, November 3 is Election Day.

We Americans are not forced to vote. In some countries, suffrage is mandatory. Not here, you can vote or not, as you choose.

Perhaps there is no requirement for participation in elections because it never occurred to the founding fathers that anyone given the opportunity to select those who govern them would not be ready, willing and eager to vote.

You don’t have to vote. In most elections there are at least a few candidates that are embarrassments to their parties. Sometimes all choices are bad and it is hard to see how it matters who gets elected.

You don’t have to vote, but every vote counts. In the past decade elections at all levels have hinged on a very few ballots. The people who stayed home could have changed everything.

Government at all levels is a mess and not likely to improve any time soon regardless of the annual pledge of candidates that this time things will change for the better.

Lately it seems like both parties want to drive everyone except their most ardent and easily controlled supporters away from the political system.

You don’t have to vote, but if you do research your choices first. Don’t vote for someone because of an endorsement by a movie star or athlete or your next-door neighbor. There is plenty of information on the internet about all the candidates running this year.

Just in case you missed it, Virginia is electing a governor lieutenant governor, attorney general and the entire House of Delegates. Both the Republicans and Democrats have a full slate of candidates. Goochland is part of the 56th District for the House of Delegates. If you have time to find this blog while doodling around you have time to research the candidates.

You don’t have to vote, but if you pass on the election, make it a conscious decision. Voting may be a bit inconvenient. Perhaps is should be.

It was definitely inconvenient for those who died in battle to protect our right to vote. It was certainly inconvenient for suffragettes to battle the establishment to secure voting rights for women. It was doubtless inconvenient for the civil rights protestors who routed the evils of racial discrimination at the polls.

New procedures at Goochland polling places should move the lines a lot faster than last year.

Absentee ballots are easily obtainable, but it’s too late to do that now. Plan ahead for next year.

You don’t have to vote, but if you do, be sure to bring a picture ID. It’s hard to understand why anyone would not be proud to be identified as a legally certified voter to ensure the sanctity of the whole process.

You don’t have to vote, but if you do, you will join Goochland citizens who last year set a record with their voting percentages.

You don’t have to vote, but if you do, be sure to thank the election officials who make it all possible. They sure don’t do it for the money. County registrar Frances Ragland and electoral board members Shirley Christian, Robin Lind and Herb Griffith work hard year round to ensure that all elections here are well run.

You don’t have to vote, but if you don’t, you can’t complain about whoever gets elected.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If only it wasn't always a case of voting for the lessor of evils.

Vote against incumbents and for anyone who promotes term limits!