Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Know your county

It’s that time again. Goochland Leadership Enterprise (GLE) is accepting applicants for its fall class. Since created in the fall of 1996, GLE had informed and engaged several hundred people. Graduates participate in every facet of county life from Christmas Mother to the Board of Supervisors. They enhance the quality of life in Goochland.

In addition to exploring topics that range from Goochland history to the budget process of local government, GLE participants get to know a wide range of people from the entire county. This provides insight about the challenges and opportunities facing the county as a whole.

The GLE program consists of a series of 15 classes held approximately every other Thursday at 7 p.m. from September through March. Sessions, which are held at different locations around the county, include a dinner with the Board of Supervisors, and a visit to the Virginia General Assembly to meet with our representatives to state government.

The first class is scheduled for September 19. Registration will remain open until capacity is reached. To sign up or obtain further information, contact the Goochland Extension office at 556-5841 or visit http://offices.ext.vt.edu/goochland/Gooch_Leadership_Class.html.

The final class is devoted to the exploration of ways to get involved. Citizen engagement is vital for our form of government to flourish. GLE provides an interesting and rewarding path to community involvement.



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