Lunch with the sausage makers
Crafting legislation has been compared to making sausage—you
might like the result, but the process is best left unseen.
Goochland’s current board of supervisors drew criticism in
2012 when it declared membership in lobbying groups the Virginia Organization
of Counties (VaCO) and the National Organization of Counties (NaCO) unnecessary
expenses. Goochland supervisors, however, contended that the concerns of small
counties are ignored, or overruled, by the big boys.
The most tangible benefit to membership in these organizations
was the annual conferences, which allegedly provided an opportunity for local
officials to learn from their peers, like the NaCO conference in Hawaii a few
years back. This board will pay for their own vacations.
Rather than get lost in the priorities of statewide lobbying
groups, Goochland supervisors prefer to deal directly with the legislators who
represent the county in the Virginia General Assembly to evaluate attitudes on specific
Virginia is a Dillon Rule state, which means that localities
have only those powers given to them by the General Assembly. So, local
governing boards must engage in a cumbersome ritual of “mother may I” to change
In the 2013 General Assembly session, Goochland’s
Delegation: Senator Tom Garrett, 22nd District, along with Delegates
Lee Ware, 65th District, and Peter Farrell, 56th
District, successfully carried several pieces of legislation requested by the
supervisors. This is the result of good communications among local and state
These include: the ability to amend service district
boundaries following proper notice and a public hearing; changes to land use
taxation rules going forward; exclusion of inmate populations from decennial redistricting;
construction of a Department of Corrections Water line; and a solution to the
long sought delineation of the boundary between Goochland and Louisa using a
GIS map.
Bills to provide reimbursement to localities for electoral
reimbursement failed.
Possible legislative requests—items the county would like to
see the General Assembly address in 2014—were discussed with the delegation at
a meeting, held in the community room at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community Room on
September 3.
This year’s initial wish list includes: funding for
replacement of the Department of Corrections water storage tank on River Road
West; construction of a bridge over Tuckahoe Creek connecting Henrico with Rt.
288; more local input in the need for traffic control devices; regulation of
sewage sludge; reimbursement for political party primary expenses, compensation
of registrar and electoral board; affordable access to high-speed internet
services; expedited test retakes; impact of home school athletic legislation;
elimination of post Labor Day school start; and increase of the technical
assistance funding percentage for Virginia agricultural cost share program.
Items were submitted by the county, school division and Monacan Soil and Water
Conservation District respectively.
Some items were an easier “ask” than others. The water tank
funding, which has been also requested by the DOC, is fairly easy. On the other
hand, construction on the bridge over Tuckahoe Creek will start about the 12th
of never.
Because Henrico County—one of the big dogs in the region--
opposes the bridge and has about 15 times as many people—read voters—as
Goochland it can veto our request.
Board of Supervisors’’ Chair Ken Peterson, District 5,
pointed out that, barring Henrico’s disapproval, VDOT—the state agency whose
motto is “oops”—believes a bridge connecting Ridgefield Parkway with Tuckahoe
Creek Parkway, would provide regional traffic benefits. The Metropolitan
Planning Organization, which addresses regional road issues, would give this
bridge its number one priority, except for the Henrico opposition.
According to Ware, our neighbor to the east opposes the
bridge because Rt. 288, the final portion of the circumferential highway around
Richmond, was built in Goochland. Ware said that one of the reasons he opposed
the western option, which we know as Rt. 288, was that the more easterly
version offered better connective options. He also foresaw the bad feelings on
the part of Henrico.
Aside from easing congestion where Rt. 288 connects with
Broad Street Road and Route 6, the bridge would provide quick access to the West
Creek Emergency Center from western Henrico.
Farrell believes there is no room for compromise—that
Henrico does not want the bridge. Farrell and Garrett then sang a duet cautioning
that compromising the property rights of one locality could result in
unintended consequences statewide.
Herb Griffith, chair of the county electoral board, said
that the “pockets of every taxpayer in Goochland are being picked by the very
people we are working to elect,” with respect to reimbursement of localities
for the cost of partisan primaries. Indeed, candidates seem to have very deep
pockets to fund annoying robocalls, commercials, and endless mailings, but
refuse to pay for primary elections.
The entire delegation claimed to agree that the system
should be changed. They have sponsored legislation to remedy the situation, but
the bills fail.
Griffith also pointed out that the state mandated change
from electronic voting machine to paper ballots will cost Goochland more than
$100,000 on top of the increased election costs. Griffith said that electricity
to power the electronic machines costs ten cents PER DAY while paper ballots
cost 25 cents EACH and must be stored in a secure location. He vigorously
contended that every jurisdiction in Virginia faces a similar unfunded mandate
and should be properly compensated by the Commonwealth.
Ware pledged to work with other jurisdictions to increase
advocacy of the issue.
A major toothache for county motorist is the lack of traffic
signals at several dangerous intersections. County Administrator Rebecca
Dickson explained that funds to install signals at several places have been
pledged by developers and local companies, but cannot be built because traffic
counts at these locations do not exceed the arcane VDOT warrant threshold. The
Board would like more control over this matter.
The legislators sort of agreed with this. Although the
General Assembly passed legislation to
provide VDOT with a massive amount of money for transportation, little
thought was given to reforming the agency itself.
School superintendent Dr. James Lane had a short list that
boils down to increased local control of schools. Greater flexibility in the
timing of tests, he said, would allow students to focus on more rigorous and
relevant instruction.
Allowing schools to determine when they will start the
school year—doing away with the so-called “Kings Dominion” law that prohibits
classes from beginning before Labor Day—would also give greater local control
over the instructional calendar. (Goochland has had a “waiver” to start classes
in August for several years.)
Ware, Farrell and Garrett praised Goochland’s elected officials
for keeping them informed about issues facing the county and for crafting a
clear and concise wish list for the General Assembly.
In recent weeks, the Board of Zoning Appeals and School
Board struggled to understand and apply convoluted and sometimes contradictory
state laws. It would be nice, as our General Assembly delegation goes forth to legislate,
if they would make laws can be interpreted by mere mortals.