Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Life in the age of social distancing

The next GOMM post was supposed to be about the school division budget for FY 2021. Events of the past few days have put that on the back burner.

Information from Goochland County and Goochland Public Schools (GCPS) has been and will be cut and pasted into separate GOMM posts to help get the word out as far and fast as possible. It was just announced that Goochland Schools will stay closed through April 12.  Notices will also be shared via the GOMM email notice list. Please share as you are able.

We live in scary times. It feels like we are treading water until the tide comes in when we can touch bottom to get our bearings. We are urged to practice basic hygiene, wash our hands often, disinfect anything we touch, and keep our distance from other people to prevent the spread of a disease that did not exist a year ago. These common sense measures give us something to do. For those of us of a certain age, it is reminiscent of being told to “duck and cover” under wooden school desks for protection from nuclear bombs.

In all fairness, the bombs never fell, so maybe the desks did keep us safe.

The feeling of helplessness against Covid 19 is exacerbated by the 24-hour news cycle and social media. In 1918, the media such as it was, was told to downplay the risk of the flu until it was too late to stop the deadly consequences of its spread. Today, the paranoia, if it doesn’t get out of hand, is probably a good thing. Better safe than sorry.

Keep safe, stay healthy, and wash your hands.

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