Saturday, March 6, 2021

One and done

This morning Mr. GOMM and I trekked to Ashland for a Covid 19 vaccination clinic run by the Chickahominy Health District and Hanover County in a former Food Lion. We received the Johnson& Johnson one dose vaccine, so we’re done.

Having registered with CHD in January as interested in being vaccinated, we were invited via email on Thursday evening to the March 6 clinic and made appointments at the same time.

Attendees were told to park in rows according to appointment times and wait in their cars to observe social distancing. When our time was called, wen entered one door of the large building and were asked the usual screening questions before entering. Once inside we queued to be assigned to tables with forms to fill out. When the paperwork was done, we were assigned to vaccination stations where the paperwork was reviewed, and the vaccine administered. After the shot, you were given a piece of tape with a time on it. You were then directed to a seat to wait for 15 minutes after the shot to ensure there were no side effects from the vaccine. Then you were free to go.

Vaccine doses are prepared for injection.

Clinics are staffed by community volunteers; members of the Chickahominy Health District Medical Reserve Corps; and EMS providers. Tom Shepley, Director of the Pamunkey Regional Library, directed people to the correct parking area.

Goochland County has been an active participant in the regional vaccination efforts helping to staff the Richmond Raceway and HCA’s West Creek Emergency Center with county employees and members of Goochland County Fire-Rescue and Emergency Services. In addition, county employees have been staffing the Chickahominy Health District/Hanover County COVID-19 Call Center.

People waiting 15 minutes after injection to ensure there were no side effects.

The clinic was well organized and run. As vaccine supplies increase, CHD hopes to ramp up its vaccination delivery.  The Virginia Department of Health website (, reported on March 6 that 8,428 does of vaccine have been administered and that 2,975 Goochlanders are fully vaccinated. The numbers will continue to climb.

Heartfelt thanks to all who are working to get shots in the arms of those who want to be vaccinated.

Last Thursday, March 4, CHD held its first weekly Covid vaccination clinic in Goochland. They will be a weekly event going forward. YOU MUST HAVE AN APPOINTMENT to be vaccinated. To obtain an appointment, you must be preregistered at

Goochland has a hotline for resident 65+ at (804)556-5828 to answer questions about vaccination and complete registration for those with no access to technology. Leave a message and a volunteer will return the call.




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Anonymous said...