Saturday, December 23, 2023

Turning a page


On Tuesday, December 19, the Hon. Timothy K. Sanner, presiding judge of Virginia’s 16th Circuit, welcomed recently elected county officials, constitutional officers, their staffs, and a full house of family and supporters to Goochland’s venerable—in operation almost 200 years—circuit court to take their oaths of office. Also in attendance were Superintendent of Schools Michael Cromartie Ed. D. and David Owen, newly elected 57th District Delegate to the Virginia General Assembly.

The Hon. Timothy K. Sanner administering oaths of office

As the swearing in is considered a ceremonial occasion, Sanner suspended the normal rules of court decorum to permit, and encourage, the taking of photographs and applause during the proceedings.

The judge commended those who seek public office for their service to the community. He also recognized the sacrifice they make in fulfillment of those offices to earn the public trust. “It is entirely appropriate on this ceremonial occasion to assemble in this place to honor those who choose to seek elected office and enter public service,” said Sanner. “They take a solemn oath to serve those who placed their faith in them by electing them to office.”

The oath “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge all the duties incumbent upon me as ...................., according to the best of my ability (so help me God)."

Sanner also noted the sacrifice that those who hold public office, and their families, make to serve citizens in the fulfillment of their duties.

Except for Clerk of the Court Amanda Adams and her deputies, who serve an eight-year term, all were sworn in for four-year terms of office. All begin on January 1, 2024.

Sanner administered the oath in the following order:

 Monacan Soil and Water Conservation District Directors Sebastian Volcker and Kate Anderson.

Board of Supervisors, Jonathan Christy, District 1; Neil Spoonhower, District 2; Tom Winfree, District 3; Charlie Vaughters, District 4; and Jonathan Lyle, District 5.

Your new supervisors (ltr) Christie, Spoonhower, Winfree, Vaughters, Lyle (Goochland County photo)

School Board Members, Lucy Meredith Moses, District 1; Karen Wirsing, District 2; Faith Maxwell, District 4; and Ellen Robinson, District 5. Angela Allen, District 3, was not present.

Clerk of the Court, Amanda Adams, resplendent in a sparkly dress appropriate to the exuberance of the occasion, and her deputy clerks.

Amanda Adams and John Lumpkins, Jr.

Commonwealth’s Attorney John Lumpkins, Jr., and his deputy Bernard “BJ” McGee. The husband of County Attorney, Tara McGee, BJ comes to Goochland after serving as a Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney in Henrico. (For those inclined to get their knickers in a twist about conflict of interest, Constitutional offices function separately from county government.)

Tara and BJ McGee 

Sheriff Steven Ned Creasey and his deputies.

Deputies take oath (Goochland County photo)

Commissioner of the Revenue Jennifer Brown and her deputies.

Treasurer Pamela Duncan and her deputies.

These fine people were elected to serve all the citizens of Goochland including, and especially, those who did not vote for them.

Our new leaders inherit a well-run government.  Leave Goochland a better place than you found it and don’t mess it up!


Goochland Sheriff's  and Commonwealth's Attorney's  office (Mark Goyne photo)

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