Monday, March 25, 2024

Planning commissioners retire


Community service takes many forms, including serving on boards and commissions that sometimes make controversial decisions. On March 21, the county expressed its thanks and appreciation to outgoing planning commissioners before their last regular meeting. They are John Myers, District 1; Matt Brewer, District 2; Carter Duke, District 3; and Tom Rockecharlie, District 5. Curt Pituck, District 4 was reappointed.

The planning commission is charged with making recommendations to the board of supervisors on land use matters, including rezoning, conditional use permit applications, and changes to zoning ordinances. It uses the county’s comprehensive land use plan and other tools to ensure that land use changes do not degrade the health, safety, and welfare of the community. Commissioners receive citizen communication about matters before them, usually in passionate opposition to proposals. They are charged with making the best decisions for the county, not a few hundred vocal opponents. Their goal should be to find the sweet spot between developers and citizens. No matter how hard they work to find this middle ground, many people are unhappy with their decisions. Nevertheless, intrepid citizens step up to fill these critical positions, for which the community should be grateful.

Resolutions of appreciation, approved by the Board of Supervisors at its March 5 meeting, for each outgoing commissioner were read. At the conclusion, Brewer made the following comments:

“Goochland is no longer a no or one stoplight town the way I remember it. We have many people wanting to live and move into Goochland. I jokingly remind them to close the door behind them once moving into our little slice of heaven.

“For many of us, it’s hard to see these changes. Regardless, things are going to change, and progress involves growth. I want to express my extreme gratitude to my fellow commissioners, the entire planning department for the exceptional support you’ve provided our community.” Brewer went on to thank Ashley Parker, Jamie Sherry, Ray Cash, Tom Coleman, Kalli Jackson, Tara McGee, the board of supervisors and county administrator Vic Carpenter, and Hon. Manuel Alvarez. “Without Mr. Alvarez, many of us wouldn’t be here.

“Thank you to my wife Caroline, my three sons Christopher, Frankie, and George for allowing me to serve. Thank you to our first responders for weighing in as necessary on rezoning cases and conditional use permits. Most importantly, thanks to the citizens of Goochland. Without citizen participation, the public hearing process would not be complete.

“Now, for our successors, please know this job is thankless. At times we may not agree with our supervisors, none of whom have served on the planning commission. It is not our job to make theirs easier. It is our job to put aside differences amongst ourselves, the applicants, their neighbors, and base our decisions on the most objective way possible.

“We’re an advisory board. I’ve voted against friends. I’ve voted in support of applicants where I’ve had to set aside my personal differences. I also encourage our successors to participate in the land use education program…It’s time to pass the torch. I’m sure I’ll see many of you around town, possibly at a public hearing or on the mountain bike trails. Let’s celebrate the good life and thank you.”

Kudos to the outgoing commissioners continued during citizen comment.

Linda Moore, a well-informed citizen who often weighs in on land use matters, expressed her appreciation for the involvement of the commissioners during their tenure in office. She reminded all about the workshop to educate citizens about the planning process on April 8 at the Goochland Baptist Church at 2454 Manakin Road, just north of I64, beginning at 6 pm. “I appreciate everything you’ve done over the years,” Moore said.

District 5 Supervisor Jonathan Lyle said that he truly believes that right now Goochland is in the middle of its golden era. “I too remember when there were no stoplights. There has been tremendous and managed change. I saw a new approach to that managed change when many of you joined this commission. For that I can only say thank you. I’ve been in the citizen seats for 15 years watching you make sausage. I appreciate the comments that they haven’t been easy but never felt that you folks have ever taken the easy decision but what you viewed as the right decision. You’ve set a pretty high mark for the people joining the commission. Always we’ll (citizens) be heard and that is a true testimony to what your public service delivered.”

Alvarez, who served eight years as District 2 supervisor and several months as interim county administrator, appointed Brewer to the commission. “I called Matt because he knows everyone in the county. Over the years, I’ve learned that he also knows a lot of its history. Matt and all of you have been great. We (the supervisors) didn’t always vote in conjunction with you, but what I liked—and I came to a lot of planning commission meetings over the years—was that you prepared me for the right questions to ask the developers. A lot of times when we disagreed with you on a vote was because your questions and pushing back made the application better and a better fit. I know this is a lot of work and a lot of responsibility because you’re only going to satisfy about half of the people. You are exemplary and, like Jonathan said, have set a high bar for the next planning commissioners. You were on the front line in the(zoning) battles. I appreciate your sacrifice. Thank you again.”

Goochland is blessed to have citizens like these.




1 comment:

Linda Wise said...

Our sincere thanks to all these gentlemen for a very difficult job, well done. I don't think most citizens realize the time and effort they put into these recommendations they make to the Supervisors. On top of that, the aggravation they go through, when making decisions that rarely make everyone happy. Alot of knowledge, research and discussion goes into the every decision. Thank you for your diligent work on our behalf.