A new and familiar face graced the dais at the March 4
meeting of the Goochland Board of Supervisors as the Hon. Manuel Alvarez, Jr. began
serving as interim county administrator.
Neil Spoonhower, District 2, was present virtually. He said
that, while away, he has had perfect attendance at all meetings, county wide
and regional and a 100 percent reply rate to all phone calls, emails, and
Alvarez commended Goochland Fire-Rescue for being recognized
by Virginia Governor Glen Youngkin for excellence in fire services for the new
live fire training structure put into service last summer. Go to https://www.goochlandva.us/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=1243
or GOMM post “Put the wet stuff on the
red stuff” for details.
Town Hall meetings
Board chair Tom Winfree, District 3, reminded all of the
upcoming town hall meetings. They are scheduled as follows: District 1, Monday,
March 24 at Byrd Elementary School 2704 Hadensville Fife Road; Districts 4 and
5 Thursday, March 27 at the Residence Inn at the Notch, opposite the Wawa in
Centerville; and Districts 2 and 3 on Monday, March 31 at the county administration
buildings 1800 Sandy Hook Road in
Courthouse Village. All sessions begin at 6 p.m. Supervisors, school board members
and staff will be present.
Please try to attend one of these meetings to get details
about the county budget for FY26, which begins on July 1. A proposed budget
presented on February 18 seemed to indicate that despite increases in property
values, there will be no funds to fill vacant and needed positions unless the
tax rate is increased. At their March 4 meeting, the supervisors approved a
change to finance policy to reduce the percentage of funds that must be held in
reserve. Except for a workshop with the supervisors and school board on March
11, no further budget work sessions have been scheduled. Hopefully, information
presented at the town hall meetings will clarify the county’s fiscal position.
A second community meeting about the update of Parks and Rec
Master Plan is scheduled for March 18 at Salem Baptist Church starting at 6
p.m. Given the alleged budget constraints, it seems curious that the county is spending
money on a consultant to update the plan with initiatives for which there is no
Pamunkey Regional Library
Trustees of the Pamunkey Regional Library representing
Goochland, current chair Barbara Young and Barbara Slone, presented a library
update. They asked the supervisors to approve the request from King William
County to exit the library system effective June 30, 2025, which they did at
part of the consent agenda. Hanover, the other PRL member recently approved of
the withdrawal.
Recruitment for a new PRL director continues. Audits of PRL,
which had been in arrears, are current and the next is in process.
Young reported that hotspots, devices that enable locations
not served by broadband to access the internet, are still in great demand and
generate a waiting list. Hotspots from the King William libraries will be added
to the PRL supply in the summer. Charlie Vaughters, District 4, asked about the
cost of hotspots and if more could be added to help Goochlanders without
broadband access.
Digital access to the Richmond Times Dispatch is also
available. “Just for kids” a streaming service that allows parents to select from
thousands of videos and storybooks for children from 2 to 10, is another new PRL
service. Go to https://www.pamunkeylibrary.org/
for details. Library cards are free for all residents of Goochland.
PRL trustees, said Young, are reviewing all library
operations and policies to ensure that services and staffing meet the needs of
patrons. Young thanked the supervisors for funding additional hours at the
Goochland branch, which is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
A used book sale will be held at the Master Gardeners’ April
26 Garden fest at Reynolds Community College.
Library lockers have been deployed in Goochland that allow
patrons to pick up materials at their convenience outside of regular library hours.
Vaughters asked if these lockers could be placed in the east and western
portions of the county to expand library access. He contended that while
building brick and mortar libraries is challenging, installing library lockers
might be simpler.
Jonathan Lyle, District 5, asked if proffers earmarked for
library capital projects, which he estimated at $75k, have been used. Proffer
funds, which can only be used for capital projects, have an expiration date, so
use it or lose it pertains. New carpet in the Goochland branch will be
installed later this year.
A virtual town hall meeting will be conducted by Firefly for
residents in the Tabscott and Caledonia areas on Thursday, March 13 at 4 p.m.
Holding a virtual town hall to discuss broadband deployment to people without
internet access seems contradictory. Go to https://www.fireflyva.com/town-halls/
to register.
Gary Wood, Persident and CEO of Firefly Fiber Broadband, said
that work connecting Goochlanders was slowed by winter weather. Damage to a
cable in the Carterville area required repair. Wood was optimistic that the
pace of connections would pick up going forward. Go to https://www.fireflyva.com/partners-goochland/
for details about work progress in Goochland.
Wood reported that the initial “take rate” the percentage of
people able to connect to Firefly has been about 60 percent, higher than the
expected 35 to 45 percent. People who have other internet services may wait
until their current contract expires to connect. Some people may not be interested
in internet connection, or homes that are not occupied year-round may not want
the service.
Homes up 2,500 feet from the road will be connected at no
charge when Firefly is working in the area. Wood said that low income homes at
a greater distance would not be charged for hook ups. Otherwise, the fee is $1.10
per foot. So far, only a handful of customers in the 14 county Firefly
territory have been charged.
There are no connection charges for Firefly. The initial $49.99
bill includes the router. “We work hard to keep our prices as affordable as
possible,” said Wood.
May their work proceed smoothly to connect all of Goochland
to the internet.
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