Monday, July 5, 2010

For your information

GOMM stands alone

Goochland on my mind has no connection whatsoever with any “local” Goochland newspaper.

If you have complaints about accuracy, editorial policy or content of these publications, please take it up with their publishers. No, Goochland on my mind will not supply that contact information nor make the complaint for you.

While Goochland on my mind is happy to pass along information about upcoming events it cannot and will not arrange to have newspaper coverage of those events. No, posts from Goochland on my mind will not be submitted to those publications. They should write their own material.

As a blog circulated solely in electronic form Goochland on my mind uses new technology to circulate ideas and, hopefully, stimulate thought in a manner far more responsive and immediate than newspapers, which are cumbersome to create and distribute and often out of date before the ink hits the page.

Thank you for your support and please keep reading. If you disagree with the opinions expressed in Goochland on my mind, feel free to comment, or hit the delete key. Above all, please keep paying attention to what is going on in Goochland and draw your own conclusions.



Unknown said...

Sandie: I am a new subscriber and had often thought that a local blog would be great. I can't tell you how relieved I am that you are already doing this for us! Thank you for this effort. We appreciate it! Susan Lascolette

jd said...

I too love your blog Sandie. You present information in a manner than can only be admired, and I thank you for your efforts!
John Wright