Thursday, August 25, 2022

Getting to know you


It’s that time of year again when the Goochland Leadership Enterprise (GLE) registration opens.

For those new to the county or unfamiliar with GLE, it is a program designed to familiarize participants with a wide range of information abut Goochland including local government operations, history, economics, and the agriculture that is the foundation of our rural heritage.

Since the first class graduated in 1996, GLE alumni have contributed their knowledge and talents to enrich our community in various ways. They have served as Christmas Mother, elected and appointed officials, and give freely of their time and talents to a wide range of community organizations. One blogs.

The program consists of 12 sessions, held mostly on Wednesday evening from 7-8:30 p.m. at various locations around the county. A trip to the Virginia General Assembly and meeting with the county’s legislative delegation is part of the GLE experience. Each class finishes with a graduation banquet.

GLE participants meet with the board of supervisors and get a detailed look at how our fire-rescue department and sheriff’s office serve our citizens. Sessions explore our schools and how the budgets that spend local tax dollars are crafted.

An added bonus is the opportunity to become acquainted with people from all walks of life and all parts of Goochland that you might not otherwise encounter.

There is a registration fee of $25 and scholarships are available to encourage all interested people to take part. Go to to download a brochure and registration form.

An engaged citizenry is necessary to ensure a vibrant community. Get to know Goochland, even if you’ve lived here all of your life, you’re bound to learn something new in GLE.




1 comment:

Ben Slone said...

Do you remember who was in the first GLE class?

For anyone interested in Goochland County, the GLE is a must.