Sunday, February 9, 2025

The lighter side of governing

There is a lighter side of governing.

Goochland Rotary

At their February 4 meeting, the Goochland Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution commending the Rotary Club of Goochland on its 30th anniversary.

Goochland Rotarians live their motto of “service above self” by enriching our community in countless ways. Indeed, the secret ingredient in the success of county organizations is active participation by Rotarians. Members represent every facet of Goochland including the Sheriff’s Office, Fire-Rescue and Emergency Management, county government, Goochland Cares, Goochland Pet Lovers, Goochland Habitat for Humanity, Goochland Schools, the YMCA, the Goochland Christmas Mother, Goochland Day, and many others.

Goochland Rotarians (ltr) Tom Cocke, Eddie Ferguson, Jonathan Lyle, Robin Hillman, John Aaron, Lisa Beczkiewicz, Tom Winfree (Goochland County image)

Rotarians raise money to fund grants that support local organizations, and scholarships. They volunteer at our schools by reading to kids, mentoring, and with the Interact Club at the high school, donating books to schools, and sponsoring an essay contest for 4th and 5th graders. They pick up roadside litter. Rotary “Woodchuckers” cut up fallen trees and supply firewood to families who use it as their primary heat source and have fun along the way. What's not to love?

In addition to always being on the lookout for ways to make Goochland a better place, Rotary also provides an informal way for county leaders to know each other so that they work in concert instead of at cross purposes.

Board Chair Tom Winfree, District 3, a member and past president of the organization along with fellow Rotarian Jonathan Lyle, District 5, presented the resolution to current club president John Aaron.

“This means a whole heck of a lot to us,” Aaron said of the resolution. “We do as much as we can for this county and have been for 30 years. The opportunity I have to be part of this club is about as spectacular as it can be for me.”

To learn more, go to


Dinner with GLE

Goochland Leadership Enterprise was created in 1996 to inform and educate Goochlanders about the workings of the county and to foster citizen engagement. Graduates of the GLE program have enriched our community in many ways, giving freely of their time, talents, and treasure by volunteering with our non-profits. Several have served as supervisors, school board members, planning commission, and on other boards.

GLE brings together people from all walks of life and all parts of the county that they might not otherwise encounter to explore differing viewpoints on local matters and gain a global perspective on Goochland.  

The program consists of twelve informational sessions held around the county that include presentations by the Historical Society, Constitutional Officers, county administration, economic development, schools, non-profit organizations, and a trip to the Virginia General Assembly to meet with Goochland’s delegation to state government. A highlight of the program is a dinner meeting where participants chat with their respective supervisors.

On February 4, GLE students and their supervisors were treated to a delicious meal, whose menu was created, prepared, and served by students in the Goochland High School Career and Technical Education Culinary Arts Department, under the direction of Chef Bill Erlenbach.

Bruce Watson, CTE Director, explained that culinary arts is one of several career clusters of work based learning that includes heavy equipment operation, architectural drawing, computer aided drafting, culinary arts, energy and power, diesel mechanics, miliary science, nurse aid, and sports medicine. CTE helps students explore careers to help them plan for successful and satisfying futures.

An intriguing and tasty salad was followed by brisket, mashed potatoes, carrots, stuffed chicken breast, polenta, and fresh bread. Dessert was a riff on apple pie with apple ice cream and a decorative flourish.

Erlenbach explained that his students come from all four high school grades and participate in various classes, including “the event space”.

GLE coordinator Pete Williams commended the students for the wonderful meal.

These students also researched foods that General Lafayette ate on his farewell tour of America 200 years ago that included a stop in Goochland Courthouse. They crafted recipes using contemporary ingredients and techniques to prepare and serve food at the Tuckahoe Plantation commemoration of Lafayette’s visit sponsored by the Goochland 250th commission last November 2.

GLE classes begin in September.

Rotary and GLE both provide opportunities for citizens to better informed about Goochland beyond the silos in which they live. Our community is enriched in many ways by both groups.




Dinner! (Goochland County image)


CTE students and Chef Erlenbach (l) (Goochland County image)

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